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Sell your home fast and at highest price

Sell your home fast and at highest price

By Sales & Marketing Team at Goldfish

Sell your home fast and at highest price

Minimum Standards for Residential Rental Properties

Minimum Standards for Residential Rental Properties

By Property Management Team

As per the Residential Tenancies Act, part of the 2021 amendments, rental properties must be kept in good repair and reasonably fit for occupation. Rental providers must ensure that the property is in a suitable condition for occupation regardless of the amount of rent paid, or the property’s age/character.

Rental provider's minimum standards

Rental providers must ensure that the premises meet the required rental minimum standards (see page 179 of the regulations). Should the premises not meet these standards, a renter now has the right to terminate the agreement before they move in, or alternatively can request an urgent repair to the property, after moving in.

Summary of 14 Categories of the minimum standards:

  1. Bathroom: A rental property’s bathroom must contain a washbasin, a shower, or bath and must be connected to a reasonable supply of hot and cold water with certain water star ratings to apply depending on the plumbing at the property.
  2. Electrical Safety: All power outlets and lighting circuits are to be connected to a required switchboard depending on the property requirements (page 182).
  3. Heating: A heater is required in at least the main living area of the rented property. There are certain classifications depending on what Class of building the property is. (page 184).
  4. Kitchen facilities: Rented properties must have a dedicated area for cooking and food preparation. The area must have a sink that is in good working order and is connected to a reasonable supply of hot and cold water, and a cooktop that is in good working order with two or more burners. If there is an oven at the property, it must be in good working order.
  5. Laundry: If laundry facilities are present, they must be connected to a reasonable supply of hot and cold water.
  6. Lighting: Corridors, hallways, and interior rooms must have access to light (whether natural or artificial) that provides a level of illuminance appropriate to the use of the room. Each room needs to have access to natural light (including borrowed light from an adjoining room) during daylight hours, and artificial light during non-daylight hours.
  7. Locks: All external entry doors to the property that are not able to be secured with a functioning deadlock, other than any screen door attached to an external door must be fitted with a locking device that is operated by a key from the outside and may be unlocked from the inside or without a key.
  8. Mould and dampness: Each room in the property must be free from mould and damp caused by or related to the building structure.
  9. Structural soundness: The property must be structurally sound and weatherproof.
  10. Toilets: all rented premises must contain a toilet that is in good working order.
  11. Ventilation: Each room of the bathroom, shower room, toilet, and laundry must meet certain ventilation requirements (page 184).
  12. Vermin-proof bins: A rubbish bin and recycling bin are to be supplied to the renter, provided by the council or otherwise.
  13. Window Coverings: each window in a room that is likely to be used as a bedroom or as a living area must be fitted with a curtain/blind that can be opened and closed, can block light, and can provide privacy.
  14. Windows: all external windows that are capable of opening, must be able to be set in an open or closed position and have a functioning latch protecting against external entry.

To access the complete Residential Tenancies Regulations 2021, click here>>>>.

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Most Common Questions & Concerns for Landlords

Most Common Questions & Concerns for Landlords

By Property Management Team

As Landlord, now also called “Rental Provider” the most common questions and concerns, which you always like to know. We are having the most common questions and concerns based on feedback from our valuable landlords and rental provider. 


As a landlord, for Rental properties, Are there any minimum standards?

Yes, the minimum standards apply to rental agreements that started after 29 March 2021 or started before 29 March 2021 and roll over into periodic agreements on or after 29 March 2021. Minimum Standard as defined in Consumer Affair Victoria

For definition, updates & explanation, click here:

What are mandatory safety check requirements in Victoria?

From 29th March 2021, Rental providers have responsibilities for smoke alarms, gas, and electrical safety reports that have not been compliant and can incur a fine. These reports need to be submitted to Consumer Affairs by the 29th of March 2023 as the certificate of currency needs to be updated on the portal to ensure compliance. This must be provided by you or your appointed Registered Trade Contractors to us, fail to supply this can incur a significant fine.

Smoke Alarms must be every year; Gas & Electricity Safety checks every two years from Registered & Licensed Trade Contractors as per the act.

Should I have an insurance Policy for my investment property?

As the property owner, it is your responsibility to maintain insurance over the property with a minimum of $10 million public liability and appropriate Building Insurance. Ask your insurer to provide a certificate of currency and policy documents.

We strongly recommend having a Landlord Protection Insurance Policy to protect any risk associated as an investor for a variety of tenancy-related issues.

At Goldfish, can’t recommend an insurer, but we can point you in the direction of some of the commonly used insurance companies.

When and how do I get paid?

At Goldfish, we disburse the rental payments to your nominated bank account within three to five business days of us receiving the rent unless there are expectations of any bills, maintenance invoices, etc. We deduct our fee and any bills from the rental amount and provide you with an itemized statement.

Can you pay the bills on my behalf?

Yes, we recommend setting up all your bills like Council Rates, Water Rates, Land Tax, Insurance Policy, Body Corporate Levy Charges, and Maintenance Invoices with us on your behalf. We do not charge any extra fee at this stage. This makes your end-of-year tax return so much easier at once place with our EOFY Statement.

Our team can coordinate the set-up of this on your behalf with Councils, OC, other Authorities & tradespeople, some Councils, and businesses may require you to complete a form in the first instance authorizing us to make future payments.

Do I have to provide NBN/FTA TV connection?

Yes, you need to pay for the initial set-up costs for NBN or Free to Air (FTA) TV connection to the property.

You may be required to replace the battery if required. The battery is installed by NBN as a backup to ensure ongoing access in the event of power failure.


What types of most common fees occur when leasing out the property?

There are most common fees and charges are:

  • Letting Fee: Depends from agency to agency, but the most standard fee is equivalent to 1.5 – 2 weeks' rent; 
  • Advertising Fee: This is a third-party cost and depends on advertising material, contents, and channels used by the agency. This can start from $550 onwards;
  • Management Fee: A commission percentage of the weekly rental figure. It depends on the agency to the agency; the standard fee varies from 5% to 8% plus GST.
  • Administration Fee: It depends on the agency to the agency. Which includes any posted letter to the renter, landlord, or other departments;
  • Statement Fee: It depends on the agency to the agency. Can be from $2 to $4 per month.

If something goes wrong then all third parties’ expenses are on you such as Notices, VCAT applications, Orders, Possessions, and so on. 

Can I change property manager or agency during the mid of the lease?

Switching property managers may seem difficult, but as Consumer Affairs Victoria notes, the process is not strenuous. “In most cases, you can terminate your estate agent’s management of your rental property, effective immediately, by written notice to the agent,” the authority notes.

One of the most common things we hear about is people feeling that they are stuck with a property manager that doesn’t suit their needs, with no means of exiting the arrangement. Yes, by all mean you can change property manager, usually there is no fee unless mentioned prior.


There are so many questions and information which as a landlord need to ensure the return on their investment. If you like to know something else, we are just one call away, call on us at 03 9266 0270 or email at [email protected] for a confidential discussion.


Disclaimer: Above information given is for general information only and does not constitute any representation on the part of the landlord or rental provider/s. All parties must do their own assessment or investigation.

Can you change property manager or agency during mid of lease term or at the end or any time – with the right process I Agency Changeover Process

Can you change property manager or agency during mid of lease term or at the end or any time – with the right process I Agency Changeover Process

By Property Management Team

Being an owner of investment property or portfolio either commercial or residential property, it is vital to appoint a pro-active & dynamic property manager who can work in your best interest to ensure you are getting an optimized level of return on your investment.

When you feel you aren’t getting the best service and the value you expect from your property manager whether you hold a single investment property or investment portfolio, switching to a new property manager is your best option.

There are many myths around property management – and with extensive experience helping Victorians with their investment properties, it feels like we’ve heard them all. One of the most common things we hear about is people feeling that they are stuck with a property manager that doesn’t suit their needs and the most common reasons are: 

  • Lack of communication;
  • Missing periodic rent review;
  • Higher management fees,
  • Regular increase of fees like management, admin, statements, EOFY or banking etc;
  • Support to keep property in optimised YOY rental yield,
  • Missing and reporting periodic inspections;
  • Higher vacation rates.

Now, the most important question arises in mind, can you change property manager or agency during mid of lease term or at the end or any time – with the right process? 

In simple words, yes you can change the property manager at any time if you don’t feel comfortable and not getting the service as expected.

Switching property managers may seem difficult, but as Consumer Affairs Victoria notes, the process is not strenuous.

In most cases, you can terminate your estate agent’s management of your rental property, effective immediately, by written notice to the agent,” the authority notes.

In most of case, there is no fee unless it is clearly mentioned in the agency’s agreement signed by the Property Manager & you. You can give this notice at any time – even in a fixed-term contract. Best of all, you can have a professional do this for you.

How to change property manager quickly and efficiently? Are there any fees associated with the changeover?

If you’re thinking about switching property managers, the team at Goldfish will handle the entire process free of charge (excepting fees in your existing contract). 

From organising agreements and records, regulatory compliance, and safety check, contacting tenants and agents to picking up the keys, notifying new tenants and organising inspections can be done simply, professionally, and efficiently once you appoint team Goldfish. 

Most of the time, it pays to take a step back and evaluate the quality of the property management and return of your investment which you’re getting. Try our property appraisal service & proposal to compare whether your property management arrangement is paying the return on your investment as it should be. 

If it isn’t, we’re here to offer you a proactive, innovative, technology-driven, compliant, and Guaranteed 100% better property management solution at your doorsteps…. Simply, it is 100% peace of mind and your satisfaction.

To experience the difference, contact the team at Goldfish on 03 5332 4444 or email for a confidential discussion. 



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Farm Management Plan

Farm Management Plan

By Farming & Regional Victorian Team


This information sheet has been prepared to be used as a general guide for hobby farmers, new farmers, landowners who wish to seek to prepare a Farm Management Plan where they seek to get permits for dwelling, projects, grants, or financial assistance from the Department.

The purpose of the information sheet is to provide guidelines for landowners as to the purpose and content of a farm management plan, to assist in the preparation of any permit or development applications that may be required.


A farm management plan is a complete plan which shows what the property is like now, what you intend to do with it, how and when you intend to do things, and what the likely financial return will be.

It should describe the layout of the property, the physical characteristics of the land in terms of soil type, slope, conditions of rivers or streams, and other physical features including dams, wood lots, scattered trees, fences, and any physical improvements proposed.

The plan should also describe the current and intended use of the land as a farm. The plan should also indicate the site, size, and scope of any proposed developments. It should also give an indication as to the reason the proposed developments are thought to be necessary.


The Farm Management Plan is required by the Local Authority to assist the Planning Officers to make a judgment as to whether, if the intended development is carried out, the enterprise will meet Council’s planning guidelines.

These guidelines include planning, environmental, land use, zoning, cultural heritage, infrastructure, and community considerations.

Local authorities and departments are committed to maintaining agricultural land for agricultural purposes and to ensuring that inappropriate developments on agricultural land do not occur.

Activity on the land which would diminish the aesthetic value of the land, or which would have a negative effect and make it difficult for neighboring landowners to carry out their own legal and permitted uses of the land, could also be considered inappropriate land use.

The Farm Management Plan should demonstrate to Council what the landowner intends to do and also encourage the landowner to think more clearly about what is intended.


The plan is required by Council to ensure that the Municipality maintains the ambiance of the countryside, and that non-intended uses are avoided, but the plan is also a road map for the landowner.

Landowners who develop a comprehensive farm management plan are then able to go ahead with the development in a positive way and avoid unnecessary work or expenditure.

A comprehensive farm management plan can help landowners avoid the pitfalls that can trap the unaware when taking on a new venture.


The Farm Management Plan should include a thorough description of all of the land that makes up the farm.

It should describe:

  • The soil Type -is it red, grey, or black? Is it sandy, loam, or chocolate?
  • Pasture species and condition.
  • Internal fencing is both current and intended.
  • Water storage and sources of water.
  • The method of supplying water to livestock.
  • Areas of trees and remnant vegetation from which livestock will be excluded.
  • Any soil damage or existing erosion.
  • The availability of power and other services.
  • Both current and intended access to and through the property.
  • A description of the state of the property with regard to vermin and noxious weeds.
  • The intended use of the site.
  • A description of proposed buildings and other improvements.
  • A description of the intended farming enterprises.


The current physical condition and the present use of all adjoining land. In describing the physical condition of the land, the criteria set out above should be used.

As part of the Farm ManagementPlan, Council will consider whether the intended use of the site meets the general Municipal requirements for future development.

In considering this, it is essential that the plan describe the enterprises to be run in some detail. It would be useful if the plan demonstrates that the intended enterprises are currently run elsewhere nearby.

Where this is not the case, the plan will need to demonstrate from research conducted, that the soil type, water availability, and climate will be suitable for the intended use.


It is not an absolute requirement to be able to demonstrate that a farm will be profitable. However, it is important to be able to demonstrate that the land will be used productively and that it will give an economic return both for the investment which is made and for the annual expenditure

In order to demonstrate the economic outcome, it is necessary to show the total value of the investment on the intended enterprise and to demonstrate annual costs and returns. It is important that these costs and returns are realistic.


The Farm Management Plan needs to demonstrate how, and by whom the property will be managed. It should demonstrate the current level of expertise and or knowledge of the manager and other people involved. Where the expertise or knowledge to carry out the tasks is insufficient, the plan should outline the actions, which will be taken in order to address that deficiency.



It is important that landowners consider the environmental outcomes of the proposed land use. In particular, the plan should address the removal and or minimization of any vermin and noxious weeds.

The plan should also address any off-site effects of the intended land use, for instance, nutrition loss, smell, noise, and other environmental aspects, which may be important in some specific sites. On some sites, there could be rare species of plants or animals which Council and the community generally believe should be afforded some level of protection.


It is important that the Farm Management Plan sets out the intended timing of any proposed development and the order of the proposed development so that a judgment can be made as to the state of the general appearance of the property during development.


If, as part of the farm management plan, you intend to build a house, there needs to be a justification in the plan as to why that house would be necessary. It is not automatically the case that a farmer must live on the land that is being farmed, and it is a requirement of the plan to build your case as to why you require a dwelling. It is also necessary for individuals to provide real evidence to show that the property in question will be able to be developed, and then will be sustainable in the long term. It is also necessary to demonstrate that the proposed rural enterprise is compatible with existing land use and will not have a detrimental impact on adjoining properties.


There are a lot of people who can help you with your plan.

A neighbor with a well-laid-out, tidy property will understand the balance of decisions surrounding soil, water, fencing, and shelter.

An Agronomist can provide you with specific advice on soils and pastures, weeds, and vermin. The Department of Primary Industry(DPI), Rural Suppliers, and private consultants all employ agronomists.

The above information is based on general advice and information, to understand expectations and framework only local councils can advise about this. If you need expert advice, we recommend appointing Farm Planners (DPI and Private). Farm Planners advice from the overall layout of the farm, advice on water supply, the positions of dams, tree plantation, vegetation protection and other most important information which are required in the plan to include and demonstrate.   

How to prepare for an open home inspection

How to prepare for an open home inspection

By Property Advisory Services

The first impressions always make difference. With property inspections being the first opportunity for buyers to walk through your home and feel the positive vibes to think of buying. During open home inspections, you and your appointed agent enhance this opportunity to increase your chance of a quick and profitable sale... by presenting in the best stage.  

Follow these tips to show your home off at its best:

  • Tidy the exterior - Create a great first visual impression for potential buyers by making sure the house and yard are clean and tidy.
  • Complete small repairs - Chipped tiles, flaking paint, dripping taps, carpet stains should all be fixed before an open home.
  • Clear the mess - Remove any indication of repair or construction work or any sign of pets being inside the house.
  • Clean and declutter - Wash the windows, tidy all cupboards, weed the gardens, mow the lawn, and empty the bins. Remove clutter from all rooms and arrange furniture to make rooms appear spacious.
  • Make it smell fresh - Light perfumed candles or use scented plug-ins to make your home smell pleasant.
  • Bring in light - Make sure there is lots of natural light throughout the house. Pull curtains, raise blinds, and let the sunshine in.
  • Get the temperature right - If it’s cold outside, create a welcoming ambiance with indoor heating or open fires. If it’s hot, open doors and windows to create airflow.
  • Add life - Show that your home is loved and cared for by adding vases of fresh flowers and bowls of fruit.
  • Secure your valuables - Remove valuable items or put them in a safe location that is out of obvious sight and keep cash, identification, and credit cards on your person.
  • Allow full access - Make sure the agent has keys to all additional locked areas that may need to be inspected, such as garden sheds, garage, and granny flat.

Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and then think… the way which are most important when attending open home inspections when you plan to buy. Present the property at its absolute best during an inspection. With a bit of thought and effort, you can improve the chances that potential buyers will want to make a follow-up visit, like to count in the agent’s buyer pool to create competition and perhaps sign that all-important contract of sale. 

Simply, if YOU WIN, WE WIN.

All the best?

Team at Goldfish

How to prepare your property for SALE

How to prepare your property for SALE

By Sales Team

Remember, first impressions always make difference. If you like to strive for the highest possible price for your valuable property. Consider, few key areas to focus on when preparing your home for sale:

1. Pay basic repairs - One of the biggest turn-offs for buyers is wear and tear such as chipped tiles, cracked windows, scuffed paintwork, stained carpets, and other obvious signs of damage. These unsightly areas instantly alert buyers there is work required, which can diminish their initial enthusiasm for your property and lower the price they are prepared to pay.

Discuss with your agent which areas you should overhaul before holding open homes. You want to ensure you are increasing appeal without overcapitalising.

2. Clean and declutter - Study other houses currently on the market and you will see they have been decluttered, cleaned thoroughly, and may even have been styled to look modern and pristine.

Removing lots of clutter makes the prospective buyer able to see the room properly while more importantly, making the room appear larger.

Cleaning the house, even hidden areas such as under the sink, makes the house look well-cared for. This gives the buyer a subliminal impression that the house has been well-maintained and there should be no hidden problems.

3. Stagging your home – Stagging or styling is another instant facelift that can give your property a fresh look which appeals to buyers. You can hire a stylist to take care of this for you or hire furniture and accessories and do it yourself.

How to fix up a home before putting it on the market.

If you’re handy and have good DIY skills, you can undertake many of the small jobs around the house yourself, bringing it to peak condition and ready for sale. If not, you can hire a local handyman to help you.

Walk through the house with a notepad and create a list of all the areas which need improvement.

Let’s start your own initial assessment to check:

  • Front fence - Is it in good condition? Does it need vines pulled away, a paint job or repairs?
  • Front lawn - Is it lush and tidy?
  • Pathway - Are there cracks that need to be fixed? Would paving paint give it a nice facelift?
  • Front door -Is a new door required, or does it need to be painted?
  • Windows - Are they clean and do the surrounds need filling or painting?
  • Facade - Does it need to be pressure-washed or repainted?
  • Interior walls - Are they all looking pristine or freshly painted in neutral tones?
  • Architraves - Are they chipped, dented, or need new paintwork?
  • Flooring - Are the carpets clean and in good condition? Are there floorboards underneath which can be polished?
  • Kitchen - Are the cabinets in good condition? Would painting them improve and modernise the space? Would replacing the benchtop make it look contemporary? Does the splashback need to be replaced?
  • Bathrooms - Are the tiles in good shape? Does the grouting need to be cleaned or replaced? If the tiles are dated, would they be better painted with tile paint?
  • Laundry - Is there ample storage and useful counter space?
  • Back yard - Are the plants trimmed and garden beds weeded? Would planting some flowers and pots of colour add some wow factor?
  • Pool - Is it clean, properly fenced, and surrounding areas furnished with an inviting setting?

These are some of the areas to consider revamping to create a positive impression of a well looked after house. Talk to your agent about any areas needing improvement, but make sure you don’t overcapitalise.

Consider value adding UPGRADES

Not all renovations will increase your profit margin when you come to sell your property. Some projects will cost more than they will ever return. So, what are the most lucrative projects to add value to your home and give you the best outcome?

1. Exterior - Buyers get the first impression of your home from the exterior. Grab their attention with fresh-looking cladding materials or colours on the facade. Make the home more visually appealing by painting the trims, gutters, fascia and bargeboards. Replacing the front door with a modern door can add a wow factor while painting the existing door adds a pop of colour. Simple landscaping can also make your home look more appealing. Ensure the front garden is tidy, lawns mowed, and flower beds weeded and mulched. Modernise, repair or paint fences, awnings, porticos, and porch details, and consider adding a new house number and letterbox to update the exterior. If there’s no fence, consider adding one along the front boundary to add definition.

2. Kitchen - The kitchen, being the heart of the home, is important to buyers. Giving a good impression here could make the difference in a great sale price. You don’t need to replace the entire kitchen, as this can be expensive, and you may risk overcapitalising. Instead, look for ways to bring your kitchen up to date. This could include painting timber and laminate cabinetry, changing the tapware and adding on-trend lighting to modernise the space. Ensure your appliances are in good working order and are clean.

3. Bathroom - Buyers prefer bathrooms to be modern with clean and stylish fixtures and fittings. Although it is easy to overcapitalise here, easy facelifts can make the difference. Replacing the taps and shower head with modern, good quality tapware is an easy update. If the tiles are dated, they can be painted with tile paint for an instant revamp at little cost.

4. Repainting - A fresh coat of paint always gives a home an instant lift, so choose neutral but modern colours. Have consistent colour shades throughout the house to create a modern flow-through effect, as opposed to jarring colours in every other room.

5. Outdoor area - Buyers love indoor-outdoor living as an extension of the house. Creating a well-designed all-weather area can help buyers can imagine themselves living here and enjoying the lifestyle it offers.

6. Neat and tidy backyard

A backyard should be well-maintained and ideally have an entertaining area.

Should you stage or style your house before the sale?

Having a home that does not present well could end up costing you in the long term, so target the styling to showcase your property’s selling points.

An empty house or apartment looks cold and uninviting while a poorly furnished one is a turn-off too. But you can alter the perceptions of your property easily with staging.

Home staging involves bringing furniture and homewares in to create a space that appeals to a broader market. Styled houses not only look more appealing, but they also photograph better – a bonus in today’s competitive market.

You can hire a professional home stager, or if you have an eye for design, you can do it yourself. You must take the emotion out of the equation and look at your home as a prospective buyer would. Fresh, modern, clean, and bright should be your aim. Let's talk to ensure you are getting the best outcome.

CHECKLIST – Move-in and out cleaning

CHECKLIST – Move-in and out cleaning

By Asset and Property Management Department

It is always a stressful time when moving in or out of the property. There are lots of things to manage so this transition can be smooth and without any stress. Our intention is to undertake a FINAL INSPECTION to prepare an EXIT CONDITION REPORT based on the ENTRY CONDITION REPORT of your rental property as soon as possible after you hand your keys in at our office.

It is better to WALK through the PROPERTY on the DAY when you are HANDING OVER the KEYS… schedule a meeting for the day with one of the Property Managers. You will need to ensure that the items on the CHECKLIST listed below have been given due attention to make it presentable:


  • Carpet steam cleaning to be carried out by a professional contractor - a receipt will be required Hire machines are not acceptable; Highly recommend MUST be booked for the day before you handover the key;
  • Pest control for fleas is required when a dog or cat has been kept or permitted on the premises;
  • Clean all windows, doors, sliding doors, window tracks, fly screens, and security screens;
  • Vacuum all sliding door tracks and wipe;
  • Sweep and mop all floors, removing marks;
  • Clean light fittings, remove all cobwebs (remove light fittings and wipe out dead bugs);
  • Clean marks off walls and light switches;
  • Wipe down and remove all dust from skirting boards;
  • All curtains and blinds to be taken down and cleaned;
  • Window & window sills to be cleaned inside and out;
  • Clean all ceiling fans (is applicable);
  • Please turn off the main power switch in the electrical meter box;


  • Inside and outside all cupboards and doors
  • Inside, outside, and around the stove, grill, and oven
  • Inside, outside and behind refrigerator and dishwasher
  • Exhaust fans and filter
  • Sink, especially drain holes
  • Rangehood and filter (filter can be removed and cleaned)


  • All floors, mirrors, windows, and window tracks
  • Inside and outside all cupboards
  • Toilet, bath, glass screens, and sink
  • Grouting to be free of all soap, residue, and mildew
  • Clean inside built-in wardrobes and mirrored doors (wipe over scuff marks)
  • Clean all ceiling exhaust fans in bathrooms & toilets

Laundry Area

  • Inside, outside and behind the washing machine, rinse out the filter.
  • Inside, outside and behind the dryer, remove lint.
  • Clean laundry tub (inside the bottom cupboard of the tub)
  • Clean ceiling exhaust fans.

Alfresco or Outdoor pergola or Veranda

  • Sweep and mop, clean railings, and any perplex glass.
  • Remove all cobwebs.

Garage or Sheds

  • Sweep out and remove any oil residue from the concrete.
  • Remove all cobwebs.
  • Empty any bins and remove all rubbish (put the bin out if it is full).
  • Close garage door.

Front and back yards

  • Lawns and gardens to be mowed, gardens weeded and left tidy.
  • No rubbish is to be left on the property.

If furnished

  • Make sure that all items are in original rooms as per inventory and have been cleaned.

ADDRESS UPDATE: Who needs to know about your current address?

When you move to your new home there will be a number of people and organizations you will need to notify.

The following CHECKLIST includes some of the most common; we suggest you use it as a basis for creating your own personalized list to make a smooth TRANSITION.


  • Family, Friends, and Relatives
  • Government Agencies (VicRoads, Taxation Office & Electoral Commission)
  • Employer
  • Medical (doctor, Medicare, insurance)
  • School/university
  • Clubs and associations
  • Finance (accountants, banks, credit cards, and superannuation)
  • Insurance (contents, health, building, motor vehicle, special items)
  • Department stores (accounts, store cards)
  • Utility Connections (Electricity, Water, Gas, and Telephone)
  • News or Travel agency

The Day when you hand over the keys

  • Do a final walk-through with this checklist to ensure your property is in the correct handover state to avoid any tenancy disputes with your rental bond.
  • Your carpets should be professionally cleaned by today;
  • External areas returned to the same condition as the beginning of the lease;
  • Bins emptied or placed out on collection point securely;
  • Organize your keys and remote controls for all locks are ready to be returned;

Date of disconnection:

Make sure Electric and Water connections must be scheduled for disconnection for the next day of vacation date so Estate Agent can ensure all electricity’ equipment are in working order, and you take picture of meter readings;

Mail/Letter Diversion: consider the letter and mail diversion options at the local post office or online to divert for at least 2months so you won’t miss any important communication.

Final Inspection

Final Inspection

By Admin Team

Final Inspection or Pre-settlement inspection checklist

As settlement approaches both seller and purchaser excite and start the preparation. Seller prepares the property to hand over on settlement and purchaser plan to takeover. To avoid any nasty or unexpected surprises, it is highly recommended to schedule the pre-settlement inspection which is usually 1- 4 days before settlement happening. 

We also know it as the final inspection, this step is a crucial one – especially if someone has been living in your new home since you signed the contract of sale, as this makes it more likely that the home won’t be in the same condition as when you bought it, which it’s required to be.

Should you go to the FINAL INSPECTION or Pre-Settlement Inspection?

Honestly, we highly recommend scheduling the final inspection to avoid any nasty surprises or any blame game on each other (seller and purchaser). The reasons you should conduct a final inspection include:

To ensure furnishings and appliances haven’t been removed from the premises. The most common items that are often removed from the premises are appliances like dishwashers, microwaves and telephones. Often light bulbs are removed and batteries are taken out of remote controls. That’s why it’s important to not only check that the fixtures and appliances are still in or on the property, but also that they are in working order.

To ensure nothing is left behind from the previous owner like old furniture or rubbish. You also don’t want them to have forgotten anything precious to them.

Make sure everything is in working order. Items can break down from the date of purchase to settlement. It’s important to have these items fixed before moving in.

Damage to the property can occur when the vendors move out of the property. Walls can be damaged or floors can be scratched. A little bit of wear and tear is to be expected, however, if there is major damage that was not visible when the house was first inspected, or after the building inspection, take photos of the damage and give these to your solicitor.

Your solicitor may be able to negotiate a reduction in the house price or get the vendors to fix the damage. This is why a final inspection is so important. If the damage had been found after settlement, the cost to repair would be from your wallet and that’s not fair to you.

When to inspect?

Each state has different laws regarding pre-settlement inspections. Some, like Victoria, stipulate that buyers are entitled to inspect the property at any reasonable time during the week before settlement.

Before settlement, call the selling estate agent to book a Final Inspection usually 2-4 days before. By this time usually vendor vacate the property and is mostly ready in the handover state.

It’s best to do it several days before settlement, too, so that the vendor has time to make any necessary repairs.

Who should inspect the property?

You should conduct the final settlement inspection yourself with your family and real estate agent even invite the seller so notes can be taken or any minor thing can be discussed to avoid any issue. 

What to inspect or your checklist?

Your primary checklist should include but not be limited to:

  • Rooms, Floor and all area
  • lights and electronics
  • plumbing
  • water heaters
  • air conditioners, evaporative cooling and heaters system
  • door handles and locks
  • Kitchen appliances like Stove, Oven, Cooktop or dishwasher
  • Bathroom – Shower or tiles etc
  • Laundry / Toilet / Sinks
  • curtains and blinds
  • windows and glass
  • pool and spa filters
  • check for pests
  • smoke alarms/letterbox / doorbell
  • light fixtures including pendants
  • landscaping features (properly maintained)
  • garage door (check that works + remote)
  • rubbish bins (check that present and in good condition)
  • any items that may have been governed as part of the sale including display furniture.

You should check that the property is in good condition, that all rubbish has been removed from the site, and that any special contract conditions have been met.

If the property is in a worse condition than when you exchanged contracts – for example if there’s a new hole in the wall, broken window or burst water pipe – you can ask the vendor to make repairs accordingly and MUST report to your Conveyancer and Estate Agent to protect your interest.

Apart from that, you should ensure the property is clean and tidy… MOSTLY, the seller needs to do professional cleaning (Steam Cleaning throughout) and that all special conditions included in the contract of sale have been met.

You should also bring the contract of sale with you so that you can make sure the property contains all the items the vendor agreed to leave (inclusions) and is free from all the items the vendor agreed to take away (exclusions).

What should you do if you find a problem?

If you find something is broken or in a worse condition than it was during the first inspection, the purchaser MUST raise it with their legal representative immediately.

They will try to negotiate it as a special condition on the contract, which means the vendor must fix it before settlement or equivalent compensation amount MUST be withheld until that issue is fixed or if it cannot be fixed before settlement then the sale price can be reduced to cover the cost of repairs.

#FirstHomeBuyer #Vendor #Purchaser #PropertyForSale

COVID -19, Business Continuity Plan

COVID -19, Business Continuity Plan

By Regulatory Compliance Team, GRE

In response to coronavirus (COVID-19), Goldfish Real Estate (GRE) team has prepared and committed to implementing a Strategic Business continuity plan to serve our clients in the best and safest approach as per Federal and State Authorities’ directions. 

Like many other businesses, organisations and other institutions, coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting the operations of Goldfish Real Estate as well.

As we know, The Victorian Government has now declared the State of Disaster in Victoria. Goldfish Real Estate will be STRICTLY following guidelines and advice from the Victorian Government and Authorities.

The Goldfish Real Estate team has implemented its business continuity plan, our office will be temporarily closed until further advised by the Authorities and we anticipate our staff will work remotely over the period of COVID-19 restrictions.

Scheduled face-to-face meetings, inspections, engagements will be cancelled indefinitely and all meetings will be replaced with video conferences or virtual. We proudly like to stand with our community and State Government that all of our operations are virtual, innovative and on the advanced scale until further advised, We are keen to see our community COVID free. Our operations will be resumed as per COVID Safe Plan as advised by the Authorities.

By implementing innovative, advanced infrastructure and technology, we are working hard and smart to ensure that any impacts are limited and that our commitments and deadlines are met to the best of our abilities.

We hope we can rely on your patience in these circumstances. We will do everything possible to return to a normal operating environment once restrictions will be eased out.

We also understand that for many of you, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be impacting your operations and we will extend the same patience and understanding to you as we all work to manage the impacts of the virus threat.

We highly recommend downloading COVID Safe App and follow precautions as advised by the Department of Health, Australian Government. 

For more information visit or call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 for advice if you are displaying symptoms.

#StayHome #StaySafe #Facemask #PracticeHygineCare #SocialDistancing150metre #EatHealthy #ThinkPositive #FollowDirectionsbytheAuhtorities

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